5 Replies to “Contact Jane Gray”

  1. Dear Andrea,
    dont know how I missed your message sorry. There is a painting that may suit you at Matakana Gallery – info@matakana.com
    “Clear Thinking” This is bright and has the 2 pot resin finish – They may do a deal as you were a dealer for me once, have asked…. This work is on their website for $4700 – it is really nice and it prob. is on this website too.
    also the last painting for the year is now on my instagram page this is a couple and is painted in oil and cold wax with gold pigment. 900sq $3000 direct from me.

  2. Hi Jimmy

    I am updating this web site and have just put up an available painting – have a look and see if my new work appeals? Look forward to hearing from you- Jane

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