Paintings 2023 / 2024

‘What Lies Beneath’

7ft long Loose Canvas – Oil over acrylic, gold pigment. Many Many layers $9500

Detail 2 What Lies Beneath

Conversation Continues 2022
Mixed Media on Canvas, 2 Metres x 1800 SOLD

Private Collection HB

Mixed media on PVC 1000 sq SOLD

Conversation Gagged
Conversation Gagged
Mixed Media On Canvas 900sq Framed

This Painting was invited to the Florence Bienalle but I choose not to attend – it is available for sale at Zea You Gallery in Taupo.

Conversation Happy –
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas-

$5500 SOLD

FINAL WORD : This is the last painting of the series “Conversation Continues” also the last painting for 2023.

Available from my home studio – Ring to make an appointment: 021 2458500

‘After Charlie’

Acrylic and Inks on PVC canvas – 1200sq – $6500

”Summer” Acrylic on PVC canvas Framed – $1500

Ceramic Form SOLD
‘My Cup Flows Over’

Ceramic form twice fired with Oil and gold pigments. SOLD